[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text el_class=”extext”]JOIN US OR PAY YOUR DUES

Why Join?

We hope to add new members so we will be able to grow, expand and be an even greater force in support of Morgan State University. We also aim to have fun while we are together and working on projects. By developing relationships and networking with one another, the New Jersey Chapter becomes even stronger. Join us and share your insights and Morgan experiences!

Who Can Join?

Any graduate of Morgan State University, or any recipient of an honorary degree from Morgan State University.

Benefits of Joining

There are several benefits to becoming a member of the New Jersey Chapter. As a member, you will have an instant connection to the University and fellow alumni. Our members have a great time when we get together and we share a common interest, which is supporting our beloved Morgan State University, current and prospective students, and our local community.

Become a Member

To be an active member of the New Jersey Chapter, all you have to do is pay your annual local membership dues of $50.00 year if you are already a Life Member of MSUAA. If you are not a Life Member, annual dues of $85.00 for local and national dues must be paid.

More than 90% of the chapter are Life Members.

The membership year is current from July 1st – June 30th.

Complete your membership application today! (Click here for membership application)

Checks should be made payable to MSUAA-NJ Chapter and sent to:

MSUAA-NJ Chapter
P.O. Box 6134
Somerset, NJ 08875

Or you can pay by PayPal:
Morgan State University New Jersey Alumni Chapter
Email: msunaanj@gmail.com[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”cs-2″][/vc_column][/vc_row]